Jesus Heals and Nourishes His Followers

Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A

Fr. Jim homily

2 minute read


Is. 55:1-5; Ps. 145; Rom. 8:35, 37-39; Matt. 14:13-21

There is one ultimate source of rationality and order in the universe, and that source is God. With God, everything and everyone has purpose. Without God, we loose sight of purpose. Without God, we begin to imagine a world a bumping particles, chance encounters, and pure serendipity. Such a worldview appears chaotic, hostile, and devoid of meaning. But, God has a plan. And as believers we know deep in our heart that God has a plan for us. God desires to draw us close to himself, to renew the covenants with us, to nourish us with rich fare, to mend our wounds, and restore us to life. Truly, there is nothing that will separate us from this love of God in Christ.

Today’s Gospel is a glimpse into the heart of God. It begins with Jesus mourning the death of his cousin John the Baptist, but ends with the miracle of loaves and fish. When the people came to Jesus, Matthew tells us he was moved with pity for them. The Greek word used for pity is also translated as “compassion,” or a deep feeling about someone’s misfortune. Jesus’ compassion comes straight from his heart. He knows we are prone to misfortune and difficulty. He knows the struggles we face, even now. That is why he came to reorient us to the Father. Jesus bears his heart for the people he healed and fed; he does so for all who seek him in faith. May our participation in the Eucharist today, may our desire to come to the Lord, bring us healing and nourishment in mind, body, and soul, but most of all, may it strengthen our desire to remain in Christ as he remains in us.

Given during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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